Scholarships Selected by Faculty

Generous individuals and organizations in the community have made donations to benefit deserving seniors at the Dreyfoos School of the Arts. Below is a list of additional scholarships dispursed annually to graduating seniors and selected by faculty. 

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Ansin Alumni Scholarship 
The $500 Ansin Alumni Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has been active on class council and will continue involvement in promoting alumni activities. Selected by principal. 

Beverly Blanchette Annual Theatre Scholarship
Annual Theatre Department Scholarship ($500 or more w/ matching funds) for graduating senior planning to become a theatre educator (or an outstanding student who plans to study acting with financial need). Interested students may submit an essay describing their desire/need for my selection & to be awarded by Beverly Blanchette (or her representative) at the annual Thespian Awards Banquet. Application qualifications: - Graduating senior - Pursuing a degree in theatre education - Essay describing their desire/need for selection.  Selected by Theatre department.

Ed Blanchette Technical Theatre Scholarship
Established by two grateful parents in honor of Dreyfoos Technical Theatre teacher Edward Blanchette who greatly influenced the paths of two of their children into technical theatre. This $2,500 scholarship is to be awarded to a college-bound senior who will be attending a BFA technical theatre program, including technical direction, set, costume, lighting or sound design, and stage management. Selected by technical theatre teacher.

Boyd Family Foundation Scholarship
This $1,500 scholarship is given in honor of retired magnet coordinator and long-time visual arts teacher, Jane Grandusky. This scholarship is awarded to a deserving Visual Arts student. Selected by Visual Arts department.

Jennifer Mercier-Conrad Memorial Scholarship
Annual scholarship for students in Strings, Dance, and Theatre Costuming, with $500 awarded in each category. These funds are intended for summer programs. Interested students may submit an essay describing their desire or need for the scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded by the respective department dean at the department's discretion. Application qualifications: Current underclassmen student in Strings, Dance, or Theatre Costuming, Essay describing their desire/need for selection, to be Selected by the department deans.

Casa de Luz Scholarship
In honor of Dreyfoos Film Teacher Dr. Ancil Deluz, The $2,000 Casa de Luz Scholarship was established by alumni Matthew Vigil - class of 2003, Edwin Clavijo - class of 2004, and Joseph Parker - class of 2006. To be awarded to an exceptional college-bound film or television student. Selected by Communications department.

Lisa Marie Conte Browne Visual Art Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded by the School of the Arts Foundation's former board member, Lisa Marie Conte Browne, to a promising visual art student. Selected by the Visual Arts department.

Excellence in Theatrical Design Scholarship
Established by Technical Theatre Alumnus Alex M. Calle, this $2,000 scholarship is awarded to a college-bound senior attending a BFA technical theatre program; perusing a degree in technical direction, or set, costume, lighting or sound design. Selected by technical theatre teacher.

Jackson W. Goss Scholar Award
Established in 2015 in honor of local philanthropist Jack Goss. $2,500 to be awarded to two college-bound seniors who are among the top 20 students of the class, who demonstrate the qualities Mr. Goss admired most: discipline, responsibility, and dedication. Selected by the Guidance department.

Dr. Howard Green Scholarship
$1,500 scholarship awarded by School of the Arts Foundation Board Member Howard Green to a graduating senior who is college-bound and has demonstrated financial need. Selected by principal.

Sylvia Greenberg Performing Arts Scholarship
Established by School of the Arts Foundation board member Sylvia Greenberg, two $1,950 scholarships, to be awarded to an outstanding student in dance, theatre or music. Selected by principal.

Lea Jefferson Community Service Scholarship
Established in memory of Lea Jefferson, a much-beloved teacher at Dreyfoos awarded to a student who has shown excellence of character and community service.

Kanu Aspiring and Striving Scholarship
Established by former teacher Theresa Kanu upon retiring from the Dreyfoos School of the Arts after teaching English here for 26 years. These $1,000 scholarships are awarded to students who have overcome a challenge or obstacle, have exhibited a deserving effort, and have supported the community through service. 

Cathy Kraut Lewis Community Service Scholarship
These scholarships are awarded to seniors who have given an extraordinary amount of volunteer service to our community and to our school.

Dorothy L. Lappin Vocal Scholarship 
$1,500 scholarship awarded by School of the Arts Foundation Board Member Dorothy Lappin to the top female soprano who will be a vocal major in college. Selected by Vocal department.

Allison B Marks Memorial Scholarship 
This $1,250 scholarship was established by her father the late Steven Marks. Ms. Marks was an avid theatre arts supporter and participant. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving theatre student who will be pursuing a degree in theatre. Selected by Theatre department.

National Institute of Social Science 
This $3,000 a year (for up to four years) award goes to a senior who is in the performing arts and has demonstrated over their years at Dreyfoos growing artistic talent, academic rigor and is in financial need. Selected by principal.

Simon Benson Offit Musical Theatre Scholarship 
$2,500 scholarship awarded by School of the Arts Foundation Chairman Simon Benson Offit to a college-bound senior from the theatre department who will be pursuing their college degree in musical theatre. A second $2,500 scholarship awarded to an underclassmen attending a summer institute studying Theatre or Performing Arts programs. Selected by Theatre department.

Bryna Prensky Visual Art Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded by the School of the Arts Foundation's former board member David Prensky in memory of his wife, visual artist Bryna Prensky to a promising visual art student. Selected by Visual Arts department.

H. David Prensky Music Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded in memory of School of the Arts Foundation's former board member David Prensky, to an outstanding music student to continue music studies. Selected by Music department.

Heather Rose Memorial Scholarship
The Heather Rose Memorial Scholarship has been established in memory of beloved colleague and English teacher at Dreyfoos, Heather Rose.  This scholarship was made possible by donations from Richard Rose, in loving memory of his wife and her passion for teaching English at Dreyfoos.  The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior who demonstrates a passion for literature and exemplary dedication to English studies throughout their four years at Dreyfoos. Selected by Principal.

Marion Rosencrans Music Scholarship
Established by Marion Rosencrans. Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. One to a violin major and one to an opera major who wishes to pursue a college or university degree in the performing arts in the area of violin or opera. Selected by Music department.

Constance Rudy Painting Award
Established in honor of former Painting Teacher Connie Rudy. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a Visual Arts senior who has exhibited artistic merit and financial need and will be pursuing painting or art education at the college level. Selected by Visual Arts department.

David Elivio Serrano Memorial Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship was established by the Serrano family in memory of David Serrano, a class of 1995 visual alumnus. To be awarded to college-bound visual art major who has demonstrated financial need. Selected by the dean of the Visual Arts department.

Silpe Family Visual Art Scholarship
Established in honor of Linda Silpe's life long dedication to the Visual Arts. $2,500 scholarship to be awarded to a college-bound senior who demonstrates artistic merit and will be studying visual art at a college level. Selected by the dean of the Visual Arts department.

Thomas and Effie Tsaggaris Memorial Scholarship 
$2,500 scholarship established by Mr. Lex Tsaggaris, in memory of his parents, violinist Thomas Tsaggaris and his wife Effie to assist a graduating senior continuing music studies at the college level. Selected by the Music-Strings department.



For more information about scholarships please contact the Foundation office 
at 561-805-6298 or via email.