May 29, 2018
Q&A With Sunny Bond

Sunny Bond, Class of 2003 Theatre alum, is one of the founding partners of Fox and Bond, an online boutique of fine antique jewelry that caters to the modern woman. Sunny Bond has always been a lover of vintage jewelry. In fact, her mother was an antique jewelry dealer and her grandmother an antique jewelry lover. Before starting Fox and Bond, Sunny received her Bachelor's degree from Florida State University, a Certificate of Appraisal from NYU, and a Gemologist Certification from the Gemological Institute of America.
Q: When did you graduate from Dreyfoos?
A: 2003
Q: Dreyfoos Department:
A: Theater, focused in Costuming
Q: Favorite Dreyfoos teachers?
A: Penny Williams taught me so much- how to sew, how to cut my own hair, and how to talk to boys.
Q: College(s) attended?
A: FSU, NYU, GIA (Gemological Institute of America)
Q: College degree?
A: Bachelor’s in Art History from FSU, Certificate in Appraisal from NYU, and Gemologist Certification from GIA.
Q: How did Fox and Bond begin?
A: My partner, Blair Fox, and I were introduced through friends due to our similar interests and training, and discovered a shared desire to create a modern and accessible presentation for the antique jewelry we love so much.
Q: Where do you find inspiration for your collections and designs?
A: We’re always looking to art, fashion, and the world as a whole. We travel all over looking for interesting and unique jewelry and those travels can’t help but inspire. I also love studying the history of fashion and jewelry, as past jewelry designs and trends can always help inform what is stylish today.
Q: Have you ever had any high profile customers?
A: For sure! Lots of celebrities, Hollywood royalty, a first lady, but of course we can’t name names! Unless it’s Instagram approved and then we do.
Q: Do you have a most memorable customer?
A: Getting happy emails from clients after receiving their pieces always feels incredible.
Q: Have you always been a lover of antique jewelry?
A: Since the day I was born! My mom was an antique jewelry dealer and my grandmother was an antique jewelry lover, so it’s in my blood. My favorite thing from a young age was to see our family heirlooms and hear the stories that come with them. Jewelry is a (near) indestructible piece of history and it not only shows the style of the time, but carries its energy and stories with it. It’s the most amazing time capsule there is.
Q: Do you have a favorite or signature piece of jewelry you wear every day?
A: My engagement ring, which is a family heirloom. I’m a vintage charm fanatic, so I usually have some form of miniature treasure hanging on my neck or wrist, my current favorite being a miniature 14k movable toilet.
Q: What do you feel has been the highlight of your careers so far?
A: Finding someone’s new lifelong heirloom or engagement ring is satisfying beyond belief, so those moments will always take the cake. We have great relationships with Vogue, W, and ELLE and it’s always a thrill to see our pieces on the pages of these fashion bibles. We’re students of great photographers, and having pieces shot by Annie Leibovitz, Patrick Demarchelier, Cass Bird, etc., is truly a dream come true. A pair of our antique earrings were worn to the Met Gala last year, and I almost passed out!
Q: What is the most profound change you experienced at Dreyfoos?
A: Those are such formative years and having friends in so many artistic disciplines opened my eyes to new work everyday and continues to do so. I’m always in awe of what my friends and peers are creating. Dreyfoos really allowed us to be ourselves and grow at our own pace. I’m forever grateful for that.
Q: Have you had the opportunity to work with any other Dreyfoos alums?
A: Of course! Whitney Arrington (Blount, ‘03) creates these amazing miniature pet portraits for us that we set in 14k gold. They are beyond special and every single one touches our hearts. Lily Farag and Brittani Seach, my lifelong besties and both ’03 grads, always come to my aid when I need help deciding on pieces to purchase or design decisions.
Q: What recommendations do you have for our current DSOA students?
A: Make friends! Jump into your major and take electives in other majors if you can. Our community will continue to nourish you year after year.
Q: In a brief statement can you explain “What Dreyfoos means to me”?
A: Dreyfoos was such an important and impactful time for me. We were given so much room to figure out what we wanted and to have fun doing it. It’s a completely unique experience and when I explain my high school years to other people I realize it even more. More than anything, it’s the friendships I took with me. Some of my best friends I’ve had since we met when we were 7th graders at MSOA. The bonds that form at that age stay with us for a lifetime. Couple that with Dreyfoos’s incredibly creative environment, the sky is truly the limit.